Wednesday 16 March 2016

                           My holi celebrations
 Colours, gujiyas and fun...I love Holi so much
Holi happens to be my favourite festival. I particularly enjoy the colour part of it. I keep stocks of every colour but red happens to be my favourite. The other ones specially, the purple is one I hate to use on Holi. It never goes and makes one look so bad. 

I also enjoy preparing gujiyas with my mother and sisters. My mother keep frying them in the pan, while we sisters do the rolling, cutting and filling part of it. My favourite job is to do the filling which gives me a chance to keep stealing the tasty khoya which is full of dry fruits. Eating the gujiyas - piping hot just as they come out of pan is the other most cherished moment of the festival.

I also take care to keep my preparation for the festival ready. Like choose some old and faded jeans and a shirt I am bored off besides taking care of the oiling and creaming part of it. Otherwise, the aftermath of the Holi festival could be extremely tiresome. 

I have also had a bad experience after Holi once when I got so much engrossed in playing with the colour that I became to late to get a bath and the water tank got exhausted. I had to wait for hours drenched in the water before the water supply was restored. It was a very painful lesson that I learnt - take a bath on time.

I particularly enjoy the festival in the company of friends and relatives, i.e. when there are lot of people to be coloured. The excitement is unmatched when everybody loves the festival as much as you do.

Oh what fun we had on the Holi that year. The tradition followed was digging the lawn generating some mud, throwing some buckets of water and then the prey. So, it was a very earthy kind of Holi that we played that year in the hostel. The good part was that the prey was asked get the buckets herself.

Then everybody decided that we have grown up enough to have our first doze of bhang. A thandai was prepared, somebody had stored a little milk from the morning breakfast. There was one very enthusiastic girl who sneaked in the maximum share. High on the spirit of the festival we had the mandatory dance on the Rang Barse bheege chunar wali....

Meanwhile, one who stole maximum share, sat under the sun and started waiting for the bhang to give her some kick. She kept cribbing for about half an hour..nothing is happening..nothing is happening...

After some time she suddenly started laughing and did not stopped even after repeated attempts to stop her from doing so. Her body started aching but she could not control her laughter. Then all of a sudden she started crying and then again could not stop... She got the kind of high she never expected. 

Although I can't remember her name, I can't forget what fun we had at her expense. I owe a big thank you to her for making that Holi so memorable in my life.

“I’m pledging to#KhulKeKheloHoli this year by sharing my Holi memories at BlogAdda in association with Parachute Advansed.”

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