Tuesday 27 October 2015


Why love is important in life? Love is the most important thing in our lives. The love is that we missing in our self, and love is mix with many of feeling. There are two types of love are love of family and love for your sweetheart.

First of all, the love of your family is different from that you have for your sweetheart. The love for your family something you need it in your live, because they will protect you from everything in this live. The family is like human body everyone needs another, and everyone helps another. For example the family like a house that if you feel cold you go inside because you know you will feel warmly. Everyone knows what the meaning of family for him is. The love of family is kind of innate love you gained because love with them for many years.

Second, love for your sweetheart is that feeling like someone who owns all the world. This love is one of hard emotion that may be hard to explain it in some words. The love for sweetheart is kind of doesn't care about the rules or religion or culture. Some of men when you asked him about you qualities that you want in your future sweetheart? The answer will be beauty , but the beautiful is not including in love. Because this kind of love depend on confidence ,feeling, and loyalty. For example there are story talking about the loyalty , there are a man long time age loved girl and the girl loved him too, but he had to leave the city for different reasons . he went for his sweetheart and said you may marriage any man because I'm not sure if I will come back. After 30 years he came back for the city and he had sure she got marriage, but in the fact she didn't get marriage, and she was witting him to come back ,this is real meaning for the loyalty.
The love is a feeling of completeness that comes from treating others as part of our self, and love is mix of many feelings.-----I made a big change here, because it did not really make sense.
In conclusion, love is beautiful feeling that you make happy .everyone have his meaning and feeling for the love, because everyone own different feeling for his family or his sweetheart. The love is something that you can challenging the condition
for it.

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